Fair Use Policy

1. Copyright & personal use

  1. The provided Products are deemed 100 percent unique. Company and/or its partners and affiliates maintain all intellectual property rights to the products and other materials given to you. The use of the Website's provided Products and materials is solely limited to personal, noncommercial purposes.
  2. Without the Company's prior written authorization, you may not distribute, transmit, edit, display, or make derivative works from the Products or exploit the Products and/or material of this website in any way (with the exception of research paper and thesis, which is the customer's original work and seeks just proofreading and writing services).
  3. You are obligated to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Company for any and all illegal uses. You may not use any material on this website for commercial purposes. You may be subject to civil and/or criminal consequences for any unauthorised use of the provided Products and/or materials/contents from/of the Website.

2. No plagiarism

  1. You accept that the Company maintains the right to terminate or cancel any agreement, contract, or arrangement with any individual who condones or attempts to pass off a plagiarised Product as original while requesting editing or proofreading services. You further agree that any Product given by the Company may not be transferred to third parties or distributed for money or any other reason. You further accept that if the Company suspects that the given Product has been distributed or used by You in any form of plagiarism, the Company maintains the right to refuse to perform any additional work or services for you and to subject you to criminal and/or civil penalties.
  2. You are banned from placing your name on the delivered Product, with the exception of research papers and theses that are the original work of the customer and require just proofreading and writing services. All Products and other textual materials given to you are intended solely for research or reference purposes. The Company does not condone, promote, or knowingly engage in plagiarism, academic fraud, or dishonesty in any way. The Company conforms strictly to all copyright regulations. You agree that any Product and/or other written material delivered to you is provided solely as a model, example document for research purposes, and that any text and/or ideas from the Company's document that you borrow, reference, refer to, or otherwise use in any way must be properly cited and attributed to this Website.
  3. The Product will simply assist you in formulating ideas concerning a solid beginning place. You may not present the Product as your own work or study under any circumstances (with the exception of research paper and thesis, which is the customer's original work and seeks just proofreading and writing services). Even if you attempt to make slight changes to the Product, it will be considered plagiarised.
  4. The Company, its affiliates, and/or its partners are not accountable for any unethical, inappropriate, illegal, or otherwise improper use of the Products and/or other written materials obtained from Our Website. This includes plagiarism, lawsuits, low grades, expulsion, academic probation, the loss of scholarships/awards/grants/titles/positions, failure, suspension, and any other disciplinary or legal proceedings. The purchaser of content from the website is solely liable for any disciplinary measures resulting from the improper, unethical, or illegal use of the content.
  5. As a standard within the service business and the academic community, the Company considers a level of plagiarism below 10% to be acceptable. In the event that a product given to you contains more than 10% plagiarism, you may request a revision or a refund:
    • In case of a request for revision or refund, a plagiarism level shall be proved by a special report of the Turnitin service available at https://www.turnitin.com;
    • for additional information considering these issues, you are free to view Our Money-Back warranty and Revision policies;
    • Please note that bibliographical references (in-text referencing and bibliography page at the end of the papers) and clichĂ©d phrases (idioms, standard phrases, and other cliches) are not included in the plagiarism report.